today , we are not here to dick around. today , we are here to secure the intergrity of the election process , in each and every state that is a member of the uninted states. Our design is impecable , its security , nearly flawless , its transparency , everywhere , and its responses , distributed and instant. What I am talking about is using Wallets and Tokens from Web3 technology , to implement and secure our voting systems, for insured and continued protection from the communist / socialist woke mind virus. ========================================================================================= - Where do the tallies and the records for the votes go in mt system you ask ?> ---------- They go into a selected wallet , when a vote is cast , a vote token goes into a voters wallet, and that wallet then votes on their representative ,by casting a token into their wallet. ==================================================================================== - How do we know that this a is completely distributable and tamper resistant approach ? - How do we ensure the degredation of this over time , does not happen ? ------ We check and enforce the accuracy of the ledger , and the distributed tokens. ===================================================================================== - How do we all use technology , that is open sourced , as to where we can ALL look at and ALL see and we can ALL verify the code We use Web3 Technology. We will either be using a fork of Ethereum or a fork of Bitcoin , where the code is well documented and can be both - Ensured to be distributed = as is. - Looked over and have the code inspected for abnormalities , in a open sourced fashion , So that we may ensure the integrity of votes at multiple stations concurrently. ========================================================================================== every transaction involving every token on the voting network will be logged , and made upon display in the same fashion that other ledger technologies have used to display token transactions on a distrubuted network. - This open ledger , wil ensure the integrity and truthfullness of our voting systems. So someone could even go so far as too pull out a gun to someone and threaten them, and they still couldnt mess it up , even if they wanted too. If implemented correctly , its nearly 99.9999% secure , and redundant in the security. As this is a distributed system , there can be multiple validators for the transaction to validate the transaction on the network. my design, if implemented correctly , is literally - - - un fk-able and uncompromisable. ((- please excuse my chosen terminological and technological expression there , as it relates to security and CyberSecurity. )) This design will be called , "WITBOOVIA" Wallets Integrating Tokens for Ballot Oversight and Obervability during Voting with Integrity and Authentication / Authorization ( although authorization is handled by individual circuit clerks, this can be helpful in the process. ) And will be detailed in further dmeonstrations / designs. ...... lets do this.